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Function 67h (103)        Set Handle Count                          . DOS 3.3

     Sets allowed number of handles.

          On entry:      AH         67h
                         BX         Number of open handles to allow

          Returns:       If CF = 1, AX = DOS Error Code


     This function lets you have more than 20 open files per process. The
     maximum number of file handles is 64K.

     If you specify a number less than the number currently open, that
     number will become the new limit only after the excess file handles
     have been closed. You cannot set the number of handles allowed to less
     than 20 (if you do, DOS sets the limit to 20 instead).

        Notes:        You must release memory so that DOS can use it to
                      hold handles. Use function 4Ah (SETBLOCK) to do shrink
                      your program to the minimum it needs before calling
                      this function.

See Also: 4Ah
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson